My dear friends,
Many of you have asked me over the past eight months to consider running for Alderman at Large, in order to help rebuild and re-energize this great city of Aurora .
We need to promote and build an environment favorable to the creation of new jobs. We must look at our city's budget and cut the fat and waste from it so we can have lower taxes.
We must support and improve our police department’s ability to electronically monitor convicted sex offenders. Keeping our children safe from these predators has always been a priority for me.
I know one man can not do this alone. But, one man must start the journey so that all of us can re-take our city and bring back its pride.
So let me say here and now, I am in to win it...... I know that you, my friends and neighbors will help carry the message to "BACK MATT in 2011" for Aurora 's Alderman at Large.
I thank you for your support and look forward to serving you.
Cheers, Matt Harrington