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Friday, November 27, 2020

Hope for Continued Justice for Vanessa Presser Nov 23rd 2020

Controversy in the case of Vanessa Ceja Ramirez, found dead in the suburbs Harvey's young woman's family accuses certain people Robert Maldonado, Raul Roberto Montes and Bill Morton of Chicago 49th Ward of using her tragic death for personal and political benefits.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Big Win for Aorora and Dr. Matt Harrington

BREAKING NEWS: Matt Harrington to Remain On Ballot, As Aurora's Alderman at Large. Stunning, Bob O.Connor with a Dismissal of The Temporary Mayor Objection to Candidate Harrington Petitions. Thus Allowing, Dr. Matt Harrington, CEO of Ammo Coding Sytems, To Remain on the Ballot in the first position.

Stating Dr.Harrington"#1OnBallot & #1InAurorasHearts" Position for the Election in April 2017.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Dr. Matt Harrington Is Awarded The Visionary Award from The MCP

The Multicultural Community Project Business Collaborative. Will be awarding outstanding leaders in the Community Like Dr. Matt Harrington. 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Dr. Matt Harrington Speaking at St. John's AME Church, In Aurora Illinois. On the benefits of Illinois House Bill HB-6615 (Ammo Coding)

Dr. Matt Harrington Speaking at St. John's AME Church, In Aurora Illinois. On the benefits of Illinois House Bill HB-6615 (Ammo Coding)
Because #EnoughIsEnough #AmmoCodingNow #Lines4Lives

Dr. Matt Harrington CEO of Ammo Coding System, Speaking at the August 30th Presser

Dr. Matt Harrington Speaking, On the benefits of Illinois House Bill HB-6615 (Ammo Coding)
Because #EnoughIsEnough #AmmoCodingNow #Lines4Lives

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Why I Am Running for DuPage County Board District 5 in 2016

Why I am Running for DuPage County Board in 2016


Today, my family, friends and neighbors, I am here to declare my candidacy for DuPage County Board # 5
In 2016.
I choose to run for County Board, not because it is a simple task or to oppose a specific person, but to bring about much needed new leadership, with fresh ideas and bold plans.  I listen to the latest round of political fighting and ask myself, “Who is looking out for our community.” 

The everyday men and women who wake up every day, works hard, and dreams of giving their children a better life.  I choose to run because I have the courage to advocate on behalf of the people in our community.  I will stand up to the political insiders and lobbyists and say no more.

The people of DuPage County can not continue to have record high unemployment, nor higher property taxes and fewer services.  Our citizens deserve better.   I choose to run because we must stem the tied of a do nothing Board Member.

I will fight to create new opportunities of employment, and work to bring about lower taxes for all.
We as community must come together and breathe new life into the heart and soul of our neighborhoods and the communities that surrounds us. Safety within our communities has always been a priority for me.  I will lead a heightened effort to increase safety within our community but push for electronic monitoring of all child sex offenders that live within our county.

By being committed to these simple ideas, we renew the heart and soul that has felt lost in our community.

As a parent, I know that we want to provide for a better today and a promising
tomorrow. Not just for our children and our grandchildren, but for our friends, and

We must look to each other, to help bring back the pride we have felt before, and the courage to do more then we thought we could.  We must never lose the ability to have an open heart, and mind; so that we can learn from each other instead of only seeing the differences between us.

Our children are, the most precious and cherished asset we share.  We must continue to support and encourage those teachers, who have devoted their lives to shaping our children’s educational future.

We must provide a great education, not just for our children, but for anyone who is willing to learn new skills and retrain themselves.  We need our community to encourage all people to reach their full potential.

I make no big promises, but I believe that with hard work and bold plans I will bring back to DuPage, from our state leaders, money for better education, smarter classrooms, and an increase to public safety.

I have the courage to stand up for my principles, and the courage to bring about lower debt and lower taxes.  But most importantly, I will work tirelessly and make jobs, jobs and more jobs for all who want to work a priority.

Our history shows that we have and will make it through hard times, that we can work together to find common ground, and that we the residents of DuPage are never down and out.

This is why I choose to run for County Board, to work for and to represent the people, not just for today but everyday.  I am running for everyone who needs a man of the people, for the people and elected by the people!

Matt Harrington
Candidate for DuPage County Board #5 in 2016